Nuku whakamua AOTEAROA
Welcome to Equity and Trust
Equity and Trust is a non profit online organisation created to give access to knowledge and information for those interested in learning about Amalgamated Maori Incorporations and how to use Equity with common law.
I am not a lawyer.
This site is here for you to learn how to stand up for yourself and your Whanua using Equity and common law. Here are a couple of tips to get your started.
1. If there is no harm done you are in Equity.
2. If there is harm or damage you are under common law.
Amalgamated Maori Incorporations:
There is information available about Nga Tikanga Maori Law Society (Inc) o Aotearoa [NZ] and the Amalgamated Maori Incorporations Constitution 25th August 2010, how the Maori Incorporation vehicle is structured and how the Maori Incs work moving forward. You can access this information via zoom seminars and a PDF Library in the Forum area.
Counter Claims Page:
Counter claims can be served in Equity for most cases. This section includes a form where you can enter your details and send through your case numbers so the correct notice can be created. All notices are written using Equity and common law. Each notice will cost a minimum of $85. Occasionally there are seminars on how to use Equity with common law. These usually cost $80 pp and that koha will include the cost of your first counter claim notice. Counter Claim Notices written on behalf of Shareholders of Whakaue Ki Maketu Maori inc are free.
De-registration Process Page:
You can use Equity to annul abrogate and cancel any registration you have. This section includes a form where you can enter your details which includes your registration number and which council/organisation you wish to deregister from. This info is needed so I can create your Notice. This page has been mostly used by health professionals who are leaving their respective councils. These notices cost $85. You can attend a 'Using Equity with common law seminar' and get your de-reg notice included in that seminar price for $80 as mentioned above. The information in the seminars is important and relevant to both scenarios. The de-registration process has, on a number of occasions needed three notices. The third notice will always include Tort damages True Bill. Trespass notices in Equity are also available for practitioners and businesses these are $25 and are specific to you.
Membership to the site is simple and gives access to the member's area where you can interact with other members.
The Forums:
The Creating Change Forum is the main forum that gives access to the PDF documents library and all other forums on the site. Most PDF's are accessible on line if you know where to look, however there are some documents you won't have access to online. There is a $10/mnth koha to access this Forum. This can be cancelled any time. Most members access the Creating Change option.
The Trustees Forum is a private forum for Trustees of Maori Incs who wish to problem solve and connect with Trustees from other incs for support and advice.
Zoom Seminars:
1. Zoom seminars are held regularly and cover different subjects, most are related to Equity, common law and amalgamated Maori incs .
2. When there is a guest speaker all proceeds after processing fees from Wix and PayPal go to the speaker.
3. For Security reasons all participants MUST have their video on so we can see their face.
4. Participants who join and refuse to turn their cameras on will be removed from the call.
5. If you don't like Zoom and are not comfortable showing your face please don't buy a ticket to the event.
6. You will have to log into your Zoom account to be able to join the meeting.
7. Koha contributions for ticket sales are not refundable unless you request a refund before the cutoff date/time stipulated on the ticket sales page.
Financial transaction platforms:
PayPal is used with this site.